Insect research for
a better world.
About us
The Barrett Lab is a welcoming space for evidence-based and interdisciplinary entomological scholarship. Our mission is to uncover truths about insects’ experiences.
We work collaboratively with producers, ethicists, animal welfare scientists, neuroethologists, and entomologists to improve insect welfare and understand insect sensory biology.
Meghan Barrett, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology at Indiana University Indianapolis
Barrett is focused on understanding the evolution and plasticity of insects’ sensory systems and the welfare of farmed insects. She maintains an interest in thermal adaptation from her PhD and postdoctoral research days.
Barrett completed her NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology at California State University Dominguez Hills (2022-2023). She earned her Ph.D. in Biology and M.S. in Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum at Drexel University in 2022. She earned her BS in Biology and English/Creative Writing from the State University of New York in 2016.
Barrett is a Co-PI of the NSF Center for Environmental Sustainability through Insect Farming (NSF CEIF). She is also the Founding Director of the Insect Welfare Research Society.

Our values
We believe deeply in the RADICAL way knowledge can reshape our world.
We are careful in our search for the truth, even if it is uncomfortable or controversial. We own up to our mistakes and take accountability, knowing that this is the path to our own improvement and keeping others' trust.
We recognize our responsibility to be proactive and practical in our approach to ethical research practices. We are life-long, open-minded, interdisciplinary learners. We seek opportunities to grow. Each day, we recommit to doing our best.
Did you know?
Insects can have brains as big as vertebrates! The Algerian sand gecko and P. thisbe wasps each have ~1.8 million neurons. The largest insects’ brains have yet to be studied.

Meet the Team

Current Collaborators

Join the Lab!
We are a passionate, proactive group that values collaboration, growth, and reflection. If you love data, animal welfare, and neurobiology, explore opportunities to join our team!